Thrasher Design Company is listed on the Franklin Report website
Amica (Germany) - 2006
Casa Decor Miami - 2006
"The outdoor spaces of Casa Decor Miami begin with the luxurious water liliy garden that greets visitors upon first arrival," writes the editor of Casa Decor's catalog for 2006. In Material Evolution, she adds, "Jeffrey Thrasher's El Jardin, in which a team of artisans surrounded the building with a symphony of plants and trees, creates a magnificent entry to Casa Decor Miami."
Interior Design - 2005
"Don't be fooled by the 1840's façade," writes Raul Barreneche for Interior Design Magazine about this home designed by Jeffrey Thrasher; "this may be the most cutting-edge town house in Washington, D.C."
Interior Design - 2003
"Thrasher's own 2,000-square-foot one-bedroom in Miami Beach gave him license to mix vintage and antique favorites in a loft like setting," states Interior Design Magazine's Jen Renzi. "In lesser hands, the décor might read as the visual equivalent of a boisterous cocktail party, with multiple conversations jostling for attention - [but] Thrasher's disciplined approach to two- and three-dimensional composition holds chaos at bay."